Authorities in Southern California are confronting the rise in maritime smuggling of illegal immigrants and drugs. If the nation plunges over the fiscal cliff, it would have an immeasurable impact on the border. Navajos have been especially vulnerable to questionable car sales tactics and Arizona school districts are grappling with a federal mandate to improve English language instruction.
Border Security Cutbacks Part Of The Fiscal Cliff
If the nation plunges over the so-called fiscal cliff in a few weeks, it would have an immeasurable impact on the U.S.-Mexico border. From the Fronteras Desk in Tucson, Michel Marizco explains.
Navajos Often Victims Of Predatory Car Sales
It’s an often heard refrain in these times -- people duped by mortgage lenders, car dealers or their finance companies to take on debt that they can’t afford. On the edges of their vast reservation, Navajos have been especially vulnerable to questionable car sales tactics. For many there’s a language and cultural barrier. From Flagstaff, Laurel Morales reports.
For Boat Captain, Rescuing Maritime Smugglers Is Part Of The Job
Authorities in Southern California are confronting a rise in maritime smuggling of illegal immigrants and drugs from Mexico. In early December, the stakes were suddenly raised when a U.S. Coast Guard member was killed during a confrontation with suspected smugglers. From our Fronteras Desk, Jill Replogle introduces us to a man who has a unique perspective on this trend.
Arizona School Districts Grapple With ELL Mandate
Arizona school districts are grappling with a federal mandate to improve English language instruction. They had until mid-December to meet with parents of former English language learners who may have been moved out of English classes too soon. From the Fronteras Desk in Phoenix, Jude Joffe-Block reports schools must now offer those students extra help.