San Antonio Mayor Ivy Taylor has unveiled her vision for the city at a North San Antonio Chamber luncheon after being on the job for two weeks.
“In those two weeks I’ve had to address streetcars, charter changes, storm water fees, and continuing negotiations on police and fire contracts,” Taylor told an audience of high-ranking officials. “It seems a lot longer than two weeks.”
The chamber luncheon is the first time she has had the chance to present her vision for San Antonio while she is in office over the next 300 days.
Among them are ongoing projects like the long-term downtown transportation, and San Antonio Water System plans into a comprehensive master plan.
She plans to implement these through a three-part system of a Citizen’s Leadership Academy, Community Advisory Board, and City Council Committee.
“I believe that this kind of rigorous and inclusive planning, including a multi-year capital improvements plan tied to our comprehensive plan, will help us leverage other funds,” she said.
Also, a plan to create a fee for storm water drainage has been indefinitely postponed.
Taylor, who will be in office for the next ten months, said she does not plan to run for mayor in May.