Why does TPR need an endowment?
The TPR Foundation endowment intends to provide Texas Public Radio with stable and continuous operating funds to help insulate the organization from economic uncertainty. Our endowment will also help TPR respond to changes in regulations and upgrades to broadcast equipment.
Why should I contribute?
If you agree that it is wise for TPR to plan for the future, if you value TPR and want it to be available for your children’s educational enjoyment, and if you wish to help achieve these goals, consider making a gift to the endowment fund.
Will my gift be permanent?
The principal amount of your fund will never be spent, unless you expressly authorize TPR to do so.
May I create a named fund?
With a minimum gift of $20,000, you may create a perpetual, separate fund in your name or family name.
What are the tax advantages?
Depending on the type of gift, the income and estate tax savings can be substantial. Ask your tax attorney, CPA, or other advisors about the tax benefits of a gift to TPR during your lifetime or in your Will.
Are you able to manage my gift properly?
TPR outsources its investment portfolio management to the San Antonio Area Foundation. The foundation works with a community-led investment committee of seasoned experts, in partnership with Colonial Consulting, LLC. TP has elected a portfolio focused on long term growth while keeping conservative measures in practice. For more information on the Area Foundation investment practices, visit: https://saafdn.org/giving/charitable-funds/how-we-invest/
What are the investment fees and expenses?
The San Antonio Area Foundation has negotiated low fees with its managers, and we enjoy that benefit. Total expenses incurred by our endowment average around 1% per year
Stocks and Securities
Do you have appreciated securities that you have held for at least one year? If so, stock transfers can be made easily and may offer substantial tax savings.
Bequests and Wills
By remembering TPR in your will, you can make a valuable contribution to our mission. At the same time, you will reduce the size of your estate and reduce your federal and state estate taxes. Bequests can usually be arranged very simply through a codicil to your will.
Retirement Assets
Since retirement assets face “double taxation” when left to heirs (both the estate and the recipient are taxed), donors might choose to make other provisions for family members and leave the retirement plan assets to TPR by designating TPR as the primary or contingent beneficiary.
Life Insurance
There are many ways Life Insurance can be used to make a gift to TPR including simply listing TPR as a beneficiary. Please consult with an attorney, accountant, or your financial advisor if you are interested in giving through your Life Insurance policy.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Charitable remainder trusts allow you to transfer assets, such as stocks, bonds, life insurance or property into a trust, managed by trustees named by you. You (and a second person, if desired) receive income quarterly until the last beneficiary dies. Then the remaining principal is transferred to TPR. These are also known as Life Income Gifts.
Donor Advised Funds (DAF)
A DAF is like a charitable investment account for the sole purpose of supporting charitable organizations you care about. When you contribute cash, securities, or other assets to a DAF, you are generally eligible to take an immediate tax deduction. Then those funds can be invested for tax-free growth, and you can recommend grants to TPR from the fund.
For more information, please call Rebecca Caven at (210) 614-8977 ext. 322 or email at rebecca@tpr.org