The South San Independent School District voted 4 to 3 Tuesday night to accept a conservator appointed by the Commissioner of the Texas Education Agency. However, the board majority has questions for TEA.
As is often the case with the South San school board, trustees are split over questioning the Texas Education Agency’s decision to appoint a conservator. A majority aligned with Board President Connie Prado who voted to ask the TEA to justify the appointment. Prado says the board already made corrections mandated by the TEA in November. The TEA has said needed changes have not been made.
“We just want to know what is it that they feel we’re still not complying with so that if we need to correct it let’s get it done, so that when Ms. Castleberry comes we’ll have the correction ready for her to look at.”
Trustee Helen Madla, led the board minority in attempting to accept the conservator without any conditions or questions. That failed. She says some of the problems stem from board members not allowing Superintendent Abelardo Saavedera to do his job.
“They want to question TEA? No. The bottom line is the board president needs to get along with the superintendent and she needs to let the superintendent run the district. That’s all. Why are we wasting any more time with questioning the commissioner?”
Superintendent Saavedra declined to comment. He submitted a complaint to the TEA in December asking for an investigation. Conservator Judy Castleberry is expected to attend next Wednesday’s board meeting. As conservator she will have