The San Antonio Independent School District is preparing to make an offer to one of two finalists for the job as the new superintendent.
The SAISD Board of Trustees announced at its April 13 meeting that it had narrowed the field to two candidates: Pedro Martinez, Superintendent in Residence for the Nevada Dept. of Education; and Dr. Scott Muri, Deputy Superintendent of Academics for Fulton County Schools in Atlanta.
Martinez and Muri were to come back this week, each to have a one-day series of information meetings with stakeholders.
But Board President Ed Garza told reporters Tuesday he had received a letter from Muri saying he had been selected as a finalist in another district and asked that his name be withdrawn from the process. The Wednesday night information meeting with Muri was canceled.
“This was an aggressive and thorough search process that started with more than 40 possible candidates,” said Garza.
“Pedro has an exceptionally strong track record and a compelling background and we are confident that he can lead SAISD to become a national model urban school district. The response yesterday from the teachers, staff, students and community members was overwhelmingly positive.”
The board will re-convene next Monday, May 4, at which time it will formally vote to extend an offer to Martinez.