From 2009 to 2011 the healthcare and bioscience industries in San Antonio grew by nearly $5 billion according to a new report by doctors Richard Butler and Mary Stefl from Trinity University.
The study shows the comprehensive impact in 2011 was $29.2 billion, up from $24.5 billion in 2009. Butler said that more than 40,000 new jobs have been added over the past decade to those industries, fueling the city's growth.
"More than 150,000 people [are] employed in this industry," said Butler. "That's more than one out of every six who work in San Antonio work in health and bioscience."
San Antonio Chamber of Commerce president Richard Perez said the top industries in San Antonio are usually tourism, military and aerospace.
The report shows the military's medical services play a big part in the overall makeup of healthcare and science.
The annual salary in the healthcare and science field is listed well above the San Antonio average. Workers earn nearly $48,000 each year, nearly 14 percent above the 2011 average for all workers in San Antonio.