Part 1 of the TED Radio Hour episode Doppelgangers.

The internet often confused author Naomi Klein with another Naomi, one with a very different agenda. Correcting people only made things worse so Klein decided instead to learn from her double.
About Naomi Klein
Naomi Klein is an author and advocate, focusing on climate change and the impact of corporate globalization. She is the UBC Professor of Climate Justice at the University of British Columbia and a columist with The Guardian. Klein has written several New York Times bestselling books, including Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World, No Is Not Enough: Resisting the New Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism and No Logo.
This segment of the TED Radio Hour was produced by James Delahoussaye and edited by Sanaz Meshkinpour and Manoush Zomorodi. You can follow us on Facebook @TEDRadioHour and email us at
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