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The Life And Legacy Of John McCain

Republican presidential candidate, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., participates in a women's town hall style campaign event in Denver, Thursday, Oct. 2, 2008. (Gerald Herbert/AP)
Republican presidential candidate, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., participates in a women's town hall style campaign event in Denver, Thursday, Oct. 2, 2008. (Gerald Herbert/AP)

With Meghna Chakrabarti

Tributes from around the country and the world are pouring in for Sen. John McCain. We’ll look at his remarkable life, courage and message for America.


McKay Coppins, staff writer for The Atlantic. ( @mckaycoppins)

Amy Silverman, Arizona-based journalist. Former editor and writer for the Phoenix New Times for 25 years. ( @amysilvermanaz)

Elaine Povich, senior correspondent for Stateline and author of “ John McCain: A Biography” and “ John McCain: American Maverick.” ( @espovich)

Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla. Representing Oklahoma’s 4th Congressional District. ( @TomColeOK04)

From The Reading List

Phoenix New Times: “ Vintage John McCain: Dead at 81, He Was America’s Senator, Not Arizona’s” — “McCain, who died Saturday at age 81, was widely viewed as a maverick — and an opportunist.

“He was a family man with a lovely wife and kids, including sons who served in the military and a daughter adopted from India.

“He was also the guy who ditched his first wife after she’d been seriously injured in a car accident, ultimately marrying a beautiful young beer heiress who held the ticket to his political future.

“He was a tireless champion of campaign finance reform who made enemies with his establishment-bucking efforts. Or he was the shyster trying to rehabilitate himself after his starring role as a member of the Keating Five, an aggressive candidate who never did stop taking millions of dollars in campaign contributions from special interests.”

Rep. Tom Cole’s Statement: “ Cole Mourns the Passing of Senator John McCain” — “‘John McCain was a patriot, a genuine war hero, a dedicated public servant in and out of uniform and an American original,’ said Cole. ‘While Senator McCain and I did not always agree, I never doubted his personal and political integrity and his deep love for America and the American people.’

“‘I was proud to work with Senator McCain on many important matters, including defense and Native American issues. His knowledge of and commitment to Native American people and issues surpassed that of almost every other member of the Senate.'”

NPR: “ From A POW Prison, John McCain Emerged A ‘Maverick‘” — “John McCain, a titan in the U.S. Senate, was a consistent conservative, though unafraid to buck Republican Party leadership on issues ranging from campaign finance reform to the GOP-led effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

“He died Saturday at age 81.

“While the Arizona senator and two-time presidential candidate will be remembered for his self-proclaimed ‘maverick’ persona, it was his military bloodlines and 5 1/2 years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam that shaped much of McCain’s legacy.”

Washington Post: “ ‘A great defender of liberty’: World leaders mourn Sen. John McCain” — “If anyone ever doubted John McCain’s global stature, the outpouring of condolences from across the world on Sunday should convince them otherwise — easily.

To world leaders, the 81-year-old Arizona Republican — who lost his year-long battle with brain cancer this weekend — was a ‘hero,’ an ‘inspiration to millions’ and a man ‘of great courage.’ To democratically elected politicians across the globe, McCain embodied a U.S. role model they were able to rally behind without hesitation. But McCain wasn’t afraid of confronting illiberal regimes — be they U.S. allies or foes — with facts and criticism, earning him respect in some quarters but tense relationships in others.”

Vox: “ Who could be appointed to replace John McCain in the Senate, and the process behind it, explained” — “Sen. John McCain died on Saturday at the age of 81, his office said in a statement. On Friday, McCain announced his decision to discontinue treatment for the brain cancer that eventually led to his death.

“Even as McCain is mourned, attention will also soon turn to the process for replacing him in the Senate, where he spent so much of his career.

“The former Navy pilot, Vietnam prisoner of war, and Republican presidential nominee spent 30 years as a senator. Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey, a Republican, is legally required to fill vacancies in Arizona’s US Senate delegation and will therefore appoint McCain’s replacement. Whoever Ducey chooses will stay in office until 2020.”

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