Thank You Gifts & Benefits
Your donation to Texas Public Radio (TPR) is an investment in the community, helping us create a better future for everyone through quality public radio programming and education.
Select your thank you gift when donating using our secure online form. Or, you may elect to have 100% of your donation go to TPR by choosing not to receive a thank you gift.
Sustaining Members: If you are a current sustainer, there is no need to make a new donation to claim a thank you gift. Please email your selection to or call our Membership Department at 210-614-8977. Thank you! :)
Note: Thank you gifts are shipped by bulk mail whenever possible. Items requested during a pledge drive should arrive in 6-8 weeks.
Membership Level: $60/$5 a month
Membership Level: $60/$5 a month
Membership Level: $120/$10 a month
Membership level: $180/$15 a month
Membership level: $240/$20 a month
Members at the $240/$20 a month level can choose one of the above items.
Membership level: $300/$25 a month
Members at the $300/$25 a month level can choose two of the above items.
McClain Circle Thank You Gifts
Membership level: $365/$30.42 a month
Members at the McClain level can choose two items at a lower level - NOT including the TPR Bundle.
Our McClain members are also invited to our Merienda events.
Membership Level: $730 Silver Circle
Silver Circle Thank You Gifts
Members at this level can choose three of the above items and an invitation for two to our exclusive annual Pinnacle Dinner.
Membership Level: $1200 Gold Circle
Gold Circle Thank You Gifts
Members at this level can choose four of the above items and an invitation for two to our exclusive annual Pinnacle Dinner.
Membership Level: $2400 Platinum Circle
Platinum Circle Thank You Gifts
Members at this level can choose four of the above items and will receive an invitation for two to our exclusive annual Pinnacle Dinner.
Membership Level: $5000 President's Council
President's Council Thank You Gifts
Members at this level can choose four of the above items, an invitation for two to our exclusive annual Pinnacle Dinner, special ticketed opportunities, and an annual meeting with the TPR CEO.