Watch "Hansel and Gretel" interpreted for ballet. Celebrate Dia De Los Muertos with music and altars. And watch a Russian chamber orchestra at San…
Dance to some Funk Royalty, get down with some classic Tex-Mex and then relax with a baroque orchestra. Here are your best bets for this musical…
You can enjoy some jazz, celebrate cowboys and cowgirls and enjoy a new take on punk rock … all for free.The Balcones Jazz Festival kicks off on Friday,…
It's time to plan your weekend, and fortunately, Texas Public Radio is here to help. Your choices this weekend are quite varied and all are musical. They…
From a new Art exhibit, to music in a really unusual place, to music in a delightfully usual place — the weekend holds the promise of lots of fun. First…
Events this Mother's Day weekend will fill you with music, a wide variety of artwork and creative writing that celebrates motherhood.Waddle Through An…
From a Hill Country excursion to the San Antonio Symphony, to a performance from an internet sensation, your weekend is here. First off, hit Interstate 10…
From a jazz concert to a stirring choral performance to an around-the-world holiday, San Antonio’s weekend is packed with fun. Downtown San Antonio is the…