Ever get that odd sensation that someone's watching you? Well, if you're online, someone always kind of is.
There's that old caveat: Never say anything you wouldn't want published in
The New York Times. And though we all understand the concept, we go on tweeting, Instagramming, blogging, pushing our personal data into the universe without really knowing how it might one day be used.
/ Couresy of Larson & Shindelman
Couresy of Larson & Shindelman
"Sometimes I feel like somebody's watchin me"
That idea is curious to conceptual artists . So here's what they do: They troll Twitter for trending topics in specific locations. They then find the physical location where a tweet was published, and photograph that location after the fact.
Yes, your tweets contain geolocation information. And for Larson and Shindelman, the artistic decision to leave people out of the photograph is intentional. The idea, Larson explains, is to meditate on the thought behind the words — by seeing what the person might have seen when they hit "tweet."
"Twitter has over 350 million posts a day, and we see ourselves as archivists, pulling down and preserving a small fragment of them that would otherwise be lost to the vastness of the Internet," he continues. "Our photographs anchor the post to a place — this happened here, someone felt this here, this was experienced here."
1 of 14 — #HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe love hockey as much as i do or atleast pretend too n understand the dream is top priority
#HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe love hockey as much as i do or atleast pretend too n understand the dream is top priority
/ Courtesy of Larson & Shindelman
2 of 14 — #HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe don't hide our relationship
3 of 14 — #HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe Make me feel like I make you happy
#HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe Make me feel like I make you happy
/ Courtesy of Larson & Shindelman
4 of 14 — #HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe respect me
#HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe respect me
/ Courtesy of Larson & Shindelman
5 of 14 — #HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe just be honest
#HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe just be honest
/ Courtesy of Larson & Shindelman
6 of 14 — #HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe I Only Ask For Honesty, Commitment &Respect . Be The Person U Wud Want Your Daughter To Be With .
#HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe I Only Ask For Honesty, Commitment &Respect . Be The Person U Wud Want Your Daughter To Be With .
/ Courtesy of Larson & Shindelman
7 of 14 — #HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe b a poligamist
#HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe b a poligamist
/ Courtesy of Larson & Shindelman
8 of 14 — #HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe be willing to do out of the spur things and be down all the time for whatever
#HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe be willing to do out of the spur things and be down all the time for whatever
/ Courtesy of Larson & Shindelman
9 of 14 — #HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe Spontaneity is law
#HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe Spontaneity is law
/ Courtesy of Larson & Shindelman
10 of 14 — #HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe Understand me when I can't explain and just be there for me
#HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe Understand me when I can't explain and just be there for me
/ Courtesy of Larson & Shindelman
11 of 14 — #HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe Everything You Say Emotionally You Have To Mean It &Make Sure I'm Happy & Your Happy With Me
#HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe Everything You Say Emotionally You Have To Mean It &Make Sure I'm Happy & Your Happy With Me
/ Courtesy of Larson & Shindelman
12 of 14 — #HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe swallow....
#HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe swallow....
/ Courtesy of Larson & Shindelman
13 of 14 — #HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe be a man of your word and no games
#HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe be a man of your word and no games
/ Courtesy of Larson & Shindelman
14 of 14 — #HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe tell me not twitter
#HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe tell me not twitter
/ Courtesy of Larson & Shindelman
Recently, Larson and Shindelman have been exploring hashtags. The reason certain hashtags start to trend is a separate conversation — but one that was trending in New York City this past July, Shindelman says, was #HowToKeepARelationshipWithMe. Larson and Shindelman monitored the chatter and picked a few interesting ones to "photograph."
Similar projects have been done in the past: Joel Sternfeld's ostensibly ordinary landscapes, in his series
On This Site, actually mark the sites of violent crimes and accidents. (A more recent take is Stephen Chalmers'
Unmarked series.) But Larson and Shindelman add another layer. Their idea is to reintroduce digital abstractions to the physical space where they were made.
/ Courtesy of Larson & Shindelman
Courtesy of Larson & Shindelman
"Pretty sure I just heard a gun shot lol"
"There is a digital noise surrounding us, invisible chatter, and we spend time listening to this in each city we travel through," writes Larson. "These photographs serve as a means of memorializing these brief virtual moments."
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