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Gifts Made Through Wills - "Bequests"

When writing or updating your will, you can also make a real difference in the continuation of intelligent, independent non-commercial radio by naming Texas Public Radio as a beneficiary.

There are several ways to structure a bequest:
Unrestricted Bequests: Allows Texas Public Radio to direct your gift where it is needed the most.

You can include wording in your will or trust such as: “I give and devise to Texas Public Radio
(Tax ID #74-2559514), located in San Antonio, TX, the amount of $XX [or XX% of the residue of my estate], to be used for general operating support.”

Restricted Bequests: Permits Texas Public Radio to use your gift in the manner you designate, such as a specific area of interest (news, talk programming, equipment, etc.).

Specific Bequest: Gives a specific asset to Texas Public Radio, such as cash or securities.

Residuary Bequest: Gives all or a percentage of what remains in your estate to Texas Public
Radio after all other specific bequests have been satisfied and all debts and expenses have been paid.

Contingent Bequest: Gives all or a portion of your estate to Texas Public Radio when a named individual beneficiary passes away before you. For example, “I give $10,000 to my cousin Mary, but if she does not survive me, the bequest should be given to Texas Public Radio.”

Tax ID: 74-2559514 Address: 321 W. Commerce St. San Antonio, TX 78205 For more information about estate planning, please contact your financial or legal advisors. If you wish to learn how your estate can help ensure Texas Public Radio’s future, please contact Rebecca Caven at (210) 614-8977 ext. 322 or rebecca@tpr.org.

All inquiries made to us will be handled confidentially and imply no obligation.
Already included us in your estate plan? Let Us Know

Suggested language for a bequest to Texas Public Radio:

I give [_________ dollars – or – specific assets – or – ___ percent of the residue of my estate] as an unrestricted gift to Texas Public Radio, a Texas 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, for its general use and purposes.

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