If you’re looking to buy an item off Craigslist or similar websites you can now meet the stranger you’re making the deal with at a San Antonio police substation. The new initiative, called Safe Exchange Zones, passed City Council.
When you browse Craigslist for a TV, furniture, cars or even sports tickets, chances are you won’t know the seller. Police Chief William McManus says meeting up to make the sale can be dangerous.
“There are examples all over the country, and here as well, where people have been robbed and even killed during these types of exchanges,” the chief said.
Now buyers and sellers can meet the strangers at one of six police substations around San Antonio. There’s no fee. District 10 Councilman Mike Gallagher says it provides a safe area to make the exchange.
“And you can have that exchange in the parking lot, or you could actually go inside the lobby and make the exchange. And here’s the good part about it, you’re on camera and so you know that you’re going to be safe.”
The substations are open 24 hours every day and McManus says you can make the connection without having to ask ahead of time.
“They don’t have to set up anything, there’s no appointment necessary, there’s no notification necessary you make the arrangement between the two parties and they show up at the location.”
The safe zones are accessible immediately.