A little bit of rain never stopped us from putting on a show. On Thursday, June 20, we hosted our first fully indoor Summer Night City, featuring amazing performances by Grrrltoy and Lloronas that rocked the building. Summer Night City is TPR's live, free concert series held every Thursday night in June and July. Each week, two artists take the stage to entertain the community, accompanied by food trucks, drinks, and local vendors from Last Chance Market. Join us for future Summer Night City performances at TPR Headquarters, located at 321 W. Commerce in the heart of San Antonio.
Originally a solo act by D'Vonna Miller, Grrrltoy has evolved into a mix of rock, funk, and grunge, featuring Austin Jiminson with a funky guitar sound, Sean Nelson with a groovy bass line, and Daniel Puente on rocking out on the drums. Together, they create the loud, proud, and "angry girl music" we love. Listen to their newest EP "Merrie Lane" streaming now on Spotify, Apple Music, and other platforms where you listen to music.

Lead singer Amanda Vega started performing under the name Lloronas for almost five years before handing off the name to her female punk group who spread messages of love and inclusion through their music. The "aggressive disco punk" sound from Lloronas is one that teaches us that it is okay to be emotional and show our feelings whether it is getting the crowd to scream at the top of their lungs or having the band yell and kick on stage during their performances. Listen to their latest single release "Temporary Lovers" on Spotify, Apple Music, and other platforms where you can listen to music.

A big thanks to our sponsors: City of San Antonio Department of Arts & Culture, 80/20 Foundation, Dixie Flag & Banner Company, Sound City Productions, and the National Endowment for the Arts.
See more photos from this Summer Night City here.
Catch up with these live performances and more from this summer here below!