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The Source: How Far Is Too Far In Application Embellishment?

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Studies show as many as half of all job applications and resumes contain false claims. Rachel Dolezal resigned this week from her job leading the NAACP of Spokane, Washington for lying about her race. Every year we hear about someone being let go because of faked credentials, but most fibs on applications aren't so stark. And when you are desperate for the interview, people will go to great lengths.

According to ongoing research at the university of Texas San Antonio, lying may not affect the outcome of your getting the interview as much as previously thought. Lying and likability balance one another in a pivotal way.

What can you get away with embellishing, what can't you, and where is the line?


  • Robert Cardy, professor and chair of the Management department in the College of Business at the University of Texas San Antonio
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