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Texas Matters: How The GOP Plans To Surivive Redistricting

State of Texas District Viewer

Last August at a posh Austin hotel conference room the American Legislative Exchange Council held its annual meeting, and one of the topics tackled was called “How to Survive Redistricting.”

Discussed were the finer points in the redrawing of district lines. That outcome will impact every American after the 2021 redistricting showdown.

It’s likely that somewhere Democrats are holding similar sessions; and if they are not, then they are guilty of political malpractice.

But the audio of the closed door ALEC meeting was leaked, and it offered a peek at the views, attitudes and tactics of the right as they head into redistricting, which they called an "adult blood sport."

David Daley wrote about the meeting for Slate,  “How to get away with Gerrymandering,” featuring leaked audio of state lawmakers discussing how to survive redistricting.

Daley is the authored of Ratf—ked: Why Your Vote Doesn’t Count and the forthcoming Unrigged: How Americans are Battling Back to Save Democracy.

David Martin Davies can be reached at and on Twitter at @DavidMartinDavi