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Remembering Former TPR Board Member John McLaughlin

NPR's Carl Kassell and John McLaughlin, in 2010

Former Texas Public Radio board member John McLaughlin passed away on August 31, following heart surgery. He was 70 years old. Born in Philadelphia, John graduated from St. Joseph's University and served in the Marine Corps during the Vietnam War. His career included two decades each with the airline industry and in the financial industry. Many of us at TPR knew him through his work on the TPR Board of Directors from 2005-2008.

From TPR's President and CEO, Joyce Slocum: 

John left the Board shortly before I arrived at TPR, but he continued to provide leadership and guidance as part of our Board Nominating Committee.  I was privileged to get to know him in that capacity.  Much of TPR’s organizational strength today is a result of John’s work in helping to identify and recruit top-notch Directors.  All of us at TPR extend sincere condolences to John’s wife, Vicki, as well as his other family members and many friends.

VP of Finance, Connie Leyva remembers:

He was a considerate and caring man. He was very attentive whenever he spoke with anyone. It would appear as though every word the person spoke mattered to him. He was respectful to all, no matter who you were-the janitor or the president of the company. He was compassionate and understanding. He was very supportive of the causes he believed in, like Texas Public Radio. He gave his time as well as his monetary support. He was 100% committed to TPR as the Board Chairman.

If he didn’t agree with a “perspective,” he would express his point of view on any topic in a firm, calm, manner. He was intelligent and knowledgeable about any subject, whether it was about car problems or solving cash flow issues. He definitely knew a lot about financial services and demonstrated that when he was TPR’s board chair. He was a leader and respected by many. I learned a lot from him during his tenure at TPR. He lived his life with purpose. I am blessed to have known him. He will be missed by many but I know that his legacy will continue.

Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife and family. 

VP of Cultural and Community Development, Nathan Cone, remembers:

I remember John as a thoughtful, caring man, and always felt respected by him, and listened to. Some years ago, the senior staff at TPR was gathered with Board members at John's home to talk about plans for the future of the organization, specifically, a new facility that could better serve the needs of our staff and the public. There were many plans made, and I'm sure he would be proud to know that those initial ideas have blossomed under TPR's current leadership. We are thankful for his guidance that laid the groundwork.

VP of Development, Janet Grojean, remembers:

TPR's Janet Grojean and John McLaughlin.

John McLaughlin and his wife Vicki have been ardent supporters of TPR longer than I've been with the organization. With a twinkle in his eye and words of encouragement on his lips, John's generous spirit and charismatic leadership will be sorely missed by all who knew him. What a loss for our community.

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