Over 2,200 minors in the care of Texas' foster care system reside in Harris County – the area most affected by Hurricane Harvey. As a result, 1,200 children were forced to relocate, according to the Texas Department of Family and Protective services.
San Antonio-area service organizations and government entities across the state are teaming up to support foster children, care providers and case workers who have been impacted by the storm and its aftermath.
With the goal of cultivating community-based solutions to issues of child abuse and neglect, the Blue Ribbon Task Force is developing ties with local groups like The Children’s Shelter in San Antonio to provide immediate assistance and aid to displaced youth and families.
The newly announced Friends of the Bexar County Child Welfare Board will work to raise funds in order to support the services provided to children in the care of the state and senior citizens who have been affected by Harvey.
What can the community do to help some of Harvey's most vulnerable victims? How can San Antonio be a new or temporary home for displaced children?
For more information on how to assist, click here.
- Senator Carlos Uresti, representative for Texas District 19 and founder of the Blue Ribbon Task Force
- Diana Ochoa-Johnson, chief clinical officer for The Children's Shelter - San Antonio
- Dr. Kurt Senske, chief executive officer for the multi-state social service agency Upbring
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