What is the future of water in San Antonio?
As Stage 1 restrictions take effect, the San Antonio Water System is working to review the city's water management plan, which is updated periodically.
A draft of the 2017 plan outlines the utility's water saving objectives and is open for public comment until August 15. Projecting conservation targets as far as 2070, the plans anticipates what tools and resources will be needed to serve San Antonio's growing population.
Goals include improving technology at facilities, monitoring infrastructure like pipelines, growing investment in water projects and reducing reliance on the Edwards Aquifer as a water supply.
How can we ensure San Antonio residents have a clean, accessible water supply for generations to come?
- Robert Puente, president & CEO of the San Antonio Water System
- Karen Guz, director of conservation at San Antonio Water System
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View the 2017 Water Management Plan draft below. Feedback can be emailed to wmp-input@saws.org.