In the first segment:
Embyro-less stem cells will revolutionize the research that has for decades been mired in the moral dilemma. A new study points out another avenue for researchers looking to avoid the "potential-human-life vs life-saving therapies debate."
What does this mean for future efforts in stem cell research and personalized medicine?
From tissue engineering to healing our wounded warriors through regenerative therapies, to biotech companies taking the science to market, San Antonio already has a number of irons in the fire of stem cell.
San Antonio wants to leverage its robust biomedical sector to move the focal point of U.S. research and innovation here, but first they are taking stock of what research is happening already. The inaugural conference on stem cells research with RegenMedSA is the first step.
Where do you want stem cell therapies to take us? What excites you about the science? What frightens you?
Joining us to talk about it Dr. John McCarrey, professor of biology at UTSA and an organizer of the conference.
With him, Lt. Col. Mike Davis from the US Army Institute of Surgical Research
In the second segment:
From public health to our economy, environmental challenges are affecting San Antonio everyday.
San Antonio was out of compliance with EPA guidelines for ozone 16 days last year. The state is in the middle of a significant drought, and the tide of oil development and new citizens continues to sweep over the city. In short, the city faces a number of environmental issues.
Researchers are getting together this week and next for a series of public discussions to raise awareness of what is being done and what could be here in San Antonio.
From policies to grass-roots efforts, what do you think San Antonio can do to deal with these issues? The city is looking at an effort for an air quality plan, will it help? What about the single-use bag ban?
Joining us is Bob Wise, founder of imagineSanAntonio, along with Bill Barker, formerly of the City's Office of Sustainability. Finally, Dr. Vincent Nathan from Bexar Metro Health District.