Governor Perry has declared a large majority of Texas (200 counties) in a state of emergency related to drought. Meanwhile, the state’s Agriculture Commissioner, Todd Staples, says a new online website can help ranchers, farmers and even homeowners track their water usage.
“We know there are decisions that communities and individuals are having to make everyday," Staples says, "and providing a one stop online portal we hope will ease the decisions and give information readily available.”
“The Water Source” can be found on the Department of Agriculture's website. Staples said the new online tool features water conservation tips and ways to track water usage.
"The reality is 95 percent of all of Texas is in some state of drought conditions today," Staples said. "Statewide, our water reservoirs are at 67-percent capacity and we have almost one thousand water supply systems that are facing some type of restrictions.”
In a statement released to the public, Governor Perry writes "all necessary measures" will be implemented to aid response efforts, especially to the threat of wildfires. Perry's Declaration was initially made during 2011, this week's announcement extends that state of emergency.