When Godley Elementary School teacher Brandy Young informed her second graders' parents that there would be no assigned homework in her class, the news went viral. The above link is to USA Today, but it was also on CNN, the International Business Times, The Daily Mail. That is to say, it was a popular decision.
Parents and their kids have long bemoaned the hours of work they often spend their school evenings laboring on what sometimes amounts to busy work. But is it time to rethink homework?
- Etta Kralovec, professor of education at the University of Arizona South and author of the book "The End of Homework: How Homework Disrupts Families, Overburdens Children and Limits Learning"
- Inga Cotton, works with Families Empowered mother of two children, and blogger at San Antonio Charter Moms
- Clay Robinson, public affairs specialist for the Texas State TEa