The Fourth of July holiday weekend promises a lot of fun locally. First off, head to Market Square for Freedom Fest.
"Freedom Fest--we have this every year. It's our favorite event!"
Mark Jenkins manages Market Square, and he says the music this year is top flight.
"Ruben V, Augie Meyer, that's going to be great. Nothing like Augie. Live music 12-8p.m., three days."
Also playing are Whiskey 2 Step and the Palacios Brothers. And if it's Market Square, you know there's going to be food.
"We got you covered. You can have some great gorditas on the streets, you can go into our world class restaurants Mi Tierra or La Margarita, you can grab food, drink. Bring your appetite."
Then on Saturday night La Cinderella at the Magik Theatre. Why's it called La Cinderella? The Magik's Beth Graham has the answer.
"Because it is the Cinderella story set in colonial San Antonio. The year is changing from 1799 to 1800 and the Governor of San Antonio de Bexar wants his son to find a wife and settle down."
It's a musical geared to kids from first grade through adult, and runs through Aug. 6. They feature what they call a "sensory-friendly" version of the play on Saturday, July 16 at 10:30a.m. But back to the weekend: Monday, July 4, Charlie McIlvain says you should hit the road to Kerrville.
"On the Fourth itself we have the Robert Earle Keen's 4th on the River. This is a traditional concert here at Louise Hays Park in Kerrville, right on the Guadalupe River."
Louise Hays Park is the green, Bald Cypress-lined area that divides Kerrville in two. It's quite scenic, and Monday it'll be quite musical.
"We have several different bands starting at 4 o'clock with David Vinson and Danny B. Harvey, then at 5:15 we have Sean Kendrick Band, followed by Bruce Robison at 6:30, and then the headliner is Robert Earl Keen at 8 p.m. and he entertains 'til a little after 9, and then there's the fireworks show."
The free concert and fireworks show caps off the holiday weekend.
Find more on Freedom Fest here.
Find More on the Magik Theatre here.
Fine more on Robert Earl Keen's 4th on the River here.