In the latest installment of DJ Sessions, Here & Now’s Jeremy Hobson listens to some new music out of Milwaukee, from the sister-pair Vic and Gab to the Middle East-inspired Painted Caves and longtime singer-songwriter Paul Cebar, who is also our guide.
Cebar hosts a weekly show called “ Way Back Home” on WMSE 91.7 FM in Milwaukee. His band Paul Cebar Tomorrow Sound is out with a new album, “ Fine Rude Thing.”
Songs In This Segment
Vic and Gab, “Love of Mine”
Vic and Gab, “Let You Down”
Painted Caves, “Blood in the Water”
Painted Caves, “Peace Bear”
John Sieger, “When My Angel Smiles”
Paul Cebar, “The Whole Thing”
Paul Cebar, “Summer Starts Right Now”
- Paul Cebar, musician and host of the weekly show “Way Back Home” on WMSE in Milwaukee.
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